Last Friday it was time for our new concept called Sharp Body, Sharp Mind at Bosön, Stockholm. Actually, what happens at Bosön stays at Bosön 😉 But I’ll give you a sneak peek…

We started with a workout session to fully wake up, be present and get our creativity flow. As you know workout really boost creativity by increasing blood flow, giving focus and increasing confidence.


Then, three breakthrough workshops giving the group new ideas and insights when it comes to Your Next Big Thing, What’s Your Case and Your Professional Reputation. It was amazing how the group shared ideas and helped stretching each other’s comfort zones! Big up to all whom participated! 🙂

Last but not least the group together took on a workout challenge based on the expectations they’d build during the day. And delivered, of course.

Well, we had sweat – but no blood and no tears. Instead we had lots of passion and laughter. I believe we all learned something new about ourselves during the day.

Next event will take place on May 8th at Bosön. We will continue doing this with small, exclusive groups. Make sure to reserve your spot by sending me an email


What a super exciting day! (you can tell we’re excited by the picture, right? 😉 )


Imagine a day where you start with a workout that will boost your confidence, sharpen your focus and unleash your creativity. Then you sit down with likeminded people dedicated to help you stretch your vision for this year.

Will you think bigger than ever before? Most likely. Will this year be your best year yet? Well, you have a good start.

Guess what? There is such a day! 🙂 Welcome to Sharp body, Sharp mind!

We’re now announcing another date for the event. Save the date March 20th. Just email me at if interested.


Sharp Body, Sharp Mind March 20th Bosön, Stockholm 7 am to 5 pm

You’ll experience 2 mind stretching workouts and 3 breakthrough workshops:

  1. Your Next Big Thing (workshop)
  2. What’s your case? (workshop)
  3. Your Professional Reputation (workshop)

Read more (in Swedish).

kristina_your next big thing

“Start the year with its end in mind”

Vad vill du åstadkomma under 2015? Vilken är din nästa stora grej och hur ska du göra den till verklighet? Jag tror att för att vi ska utvecklas så måste vi utmana våra invanda mönster, tankesätt och vanor. Därför är jag SÅ glad och taggad över den produkt som jag utvecklat tillsammans med två av de mest inspirerande entreprenörer jag vet; Magdalena Bibik och Per Frykman.

Vi har skapat en heldag som handlar om nyfikenhet, närvaro, drömmar och action. Eftersom kropp och knopp hänger ihop kommer vi att utmana dig fysiskt såväl som att stretcha din vision för 2015. Du kommer att testa dina gränser, spränga dina mentala vallar, våga tänka större och se hela din potential.

Jag kommer att hålla en workshop om Your Next Big Thing där du får chans att stretcha tanken för vad du ska åstadkomma det kommande året. Lär känna dina drivkrafter och styrkor och bli medveten om vilken förväntan du vill skapa – för förväntan är det som kunder, arbetsgivare, investerare faktiskt köper.

Första datum är 27 februari, Bosön (Stockholm). Läs hela programmet här. Fram till den 15/1 erbjuder vi specialpris. Först till kvarn 🙂

Hoppas vi ses!


where the magic happens

Read this interesting article the other day; How quitting my corporate job for my startup dream f*cked up my life. The author tells the story of how he quitted his successful corporate career to go for his own startup and the struggle with friends, family and society questioning his choice. Though, I haven’t had the exact same experience I agree with much of it.

When you follow your dream, whether it is to go for your startup, a new corporate career or write a novel, you will be questioned by your surroundings.

”When will you get a real job?” “Is your business growing?” “Have you been promoted yet?” “Does it pay as much as your previous job?” “You know it is hard to get published!”

But you know what? I believe they all mean well. They care about you. When you stretch your comfort zone you also challenge their. They want you to be safe and they don’t know that when you stretch you comfort zone, your next will very soon become your new normal. Deep inside I think they wish they had the same courage to go for their next big thing… So take the leap of faith, go for your next big thing and inspire your surrounding to do the same! I know you can.

In the meantime, protect your confidence as if it was your most precious thing (in fact, it is). Close your mind to other people’s doubt. Or in other words – don’t give such a f*ck about what other people think.

“Doing a startup was a long journey and I was putting myself under so much pressure by giving such a f*ck about what other people think.”

There is no world. There is just 6 billion understandings of it.
– Drew Dudley 

Vem bestämmer vad och hur världen är och ska vara? Svaret är ingen och alla. Det finns si så där 7 miljarder idéer, eller uppfattningar, om vad världen är. En av dem finns i ditt huvud. Vill du förändra världen? Ändra dina tankar. Ändra ditt perspektiv. Börja agera som du vill att världen ska vara. Precis så enkelt och precis så svårt är det.

Mer inspiration
Har du 6 minuter och 14 sekunder över? Se Drew Dudleys TED talk Everyday leadership.
