Wrote yesterday about saying yes to the artist inside. Struck me that artists have one more super important characteristic that I think we all should learn from: Artists don’t passively wait to be inspired. They actively seek out inspiration. And they know that sometimes you need to do the work, inspired or not (which in fact is a really good way to get inspired: start doing the work).


I find it helpful to keep a list of inspiring activities and when feeling completely out of inspiration I look at the list, chose one activity and get going. What about you?


Art and nature are great sources of inspiration to me and the combination at Wanås Konst is perfect. Yesterday’s visit made me think about artistry. To me, an important part of being an artist is to always continue exploring, learning and experiment. To challenge perspectives and strive for growth. To see a pig in a pile of wood 🙂 Being an artist means to stay in startup mode.


I think we all have the potential to be artists in our field of interest. But it takes a commitment: say yes to the artist inside. Keep on exploring. Keep on learning. Keep on experimenting. Stay in Startup Mode!

Read this quote by Robin Sharma today: Having a grand vision is cool. Being amazing at getting it done is far hipper.” I agree – a vision, no matter how attractive, will be nothing but a dream without execution. But just executing without that bigger idea will be a waste of time. Therefore, I’m a huge fan of the expression Dreaming Doer. I think that’s exactly what the future need – people that dream, and see things as they could be rather than as they are, and then get the dreams done.


So dream. And do.

Today I took a walk in the beautiful surroundings of my current stay and found a grain field where some spikes had grown a bit higher than the rest. Made me think about what it takes to stand out in today’s ever-changing work-life. To be the expert in your desired field. To be the one leading change in your industry. I think it takes a startup mindset; where you’re passionate about what you do, let your creativity flourish and constantly launch new updated beta versions of yourself and your business. It’ll take focus and hard work, but once you’re there, you’ll get a whole new view.

About the obsession with follow up. Ok, we learn what worked yesterday with yesterday’s conditions. What says it will work tomorrow when everything is changed? Instead of trying to figure out the exact way to do things – and then do it the same way again and again and again – adopt the concept of beta. Stay in motion, stay in startup mode!




Change is hard and takes a lot of determination and effort. Most of us don’t like change. We would like to keep things the way they are. It’s safer, more convenient, risk-free… At least in our minds. In fact, change is necessary and it’s much riskier to stay the same (more about that later). I think it’s time to change how we think about change. I think it’s time to replace the forcing concept of change and adopt the concept of beta.


When you commit to beta, you automatically enter startup mode and apply the startup mindset skills needed to succeed today and tomorrow. That’s the Beta Paradigm!

Brilliant Seth Godin wrote the other day: “The opposite of yes is maybe. Because maybe is non-definitive, and both yes and no give us closure and the chance to move ahead.” Maybe is also the opposite of being in startup mode. Maybe means stagnation and stagnation is THE biggest enemy in your professional life. Sometimes it’s hard to answer yes/no and maybe feels like an easy way out. Don’t go there! Instead, try to make the big decision smaller. Decide on some part and keep moving. Remember that everything is in beta – also your decision. Stay in Startup Mode!

Got this ”Note to inspire” from Simon Sinek today: “It doesn’t matter when we start. It doesn’t matter where we start. All that matters is that we start.” Couldn’t agree more. But sometimes it’s hard to know when and where to start. This is when it’s helpful to adopt the concept of beta. Look at yourself and your business/career as an app, launch in beta and improve as you go! A beta version is not perfect, the aim is instead to make progress based on what you learn along the way.


Why not give it a try? Enter Startup Mode!

Interesting to think about that before success was measured in size. The bigger the better. True for everything from the pyramids to companies. Big can indeed be impressive, but nowadays big doesn’t equal success. Instead it is important to grow in other dimensions. To stay passionate, curious, resilient, nimble… To stay in startup mode.


Big can still be a consequence, but it’s not the aim. The aim is to constantly develop.

One important ingredient to succeed as an entrepreneur, or any other professional, permanent betais to commit to continuous growth – or as we like to call it: to be in permanent beta. Your beta versions help you easily make progress and each beta version make you more and more unique. It is because of your uniqueness people choose to work with you and it is because of your uniqueness you’ll get famous. And as you are unique, why should you read the same book as everyone else? Of course you should have your unique guide to the future of entrepreneurship and work-life. #permanentbeta #tailormadebookinprogress


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