The Beta Paradigm – the book has already reinvented itself!


As some of you know, Per Frykman and I currently work on a new book – a book that’s reinventing itself and is a permanent beta version. Our ambition is to write the world’s first fully customized book, where you choose the content to get your personalized hands-on guide to the future of entrepreneurship and work-life.


No matter what you do, you will face the unexpected more than once during the process. That happened to us yesterday. We had just read the great book The Start-up of You by Reid Hoffman and Ben Casnocha (if you haven’t already, read it!) where we discovered that they also write about ”permanent beta”. Of course, we sent them a email to check if it would be a problem that we used the same phrase as a title for our book. We got a very nice reply where they wished us good luck and kindly let us know that they would be happy if we didn’t use it as the title. Alright then, so we needed to come up with a new title. To be honest, I was a bit disappointed at first, but it turned out that after all this unexpected happening resulted in a BIG win (as it almost always does – stay open to unexpected opportunities!)


the beta paradigm_coverWe started thinking about the concept of being in constant beta once again. And we realized that this concept has the potential to actually transform business and work-life. The change will be so substantial we think it is a paradigm shift. Therefore, our project and book has a new title: The Beta Paradigm – Time to get famous for what you haven’t done… yet.


Some might think paradigm is a really strong word. It is. But it’s our firm belief that that’s exactly where we’re heading. Call us crazy, we’ll love it 🙂


Welcome to The Beta Paradigm!